The former Cash Money rapper failed to appear in court on Tuesday (Aug. 9), where he was scheduled to address financial
concerns from a former landlord who claims he owes him $480,000. Due to the no-show, the judge has issued a bench
warrant, which could result in jail, according to TMZ .
Although Tyga hasn’t paid off the large judgement, he has been flexing his finances in public. Recently, he purchased a $200,000 Maybach for his girlfriend Kyle Jenner’s 19th birthday, which the landlord believes is “a fraudulent transfer of assets that should go to satisfy the judgement.”
The former landlord is said to have evicted T-Raww from his Malibu home, which he apparently left “in shambles.” Since then, he moved into another mansion in Bel-Air, which he is reportedly renting for a whopping $46,000 a month.

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