Join Dj Tochyce and all Starz this October as we celebrate Raw talents!! Come see your Favorite Artists and Celebrities Rock One
Stage including: Yovi, Kosere master, Lazbizi, Squeeze tarela, ojd
jefreen,kitay, Gcn, General cool, Z flogs, Andyking,Xbullz, Omani, Iela, Gray c, Thro p, Logo, Deleyoung mzeal, Jaydon jec, Eddy, Cfadon, D’i juweju, Olatunes, Melvin u, Ymc.
Guest Djs includes:
Dj indo, Dj preddy, Dj rash, Dj plus, Dj beeb, Dj mais, Dj famous, Dj konami, Dj rainbow, Dj hilarry, Dj tchidi,Ddj dice.

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