“I’ve never said what he said in my life,” said Trump about Jay Z’s raps at Friday’s “Get Out The Vote” concert in support of Hillary Clinton.
Jay Z and Beyonce hosted a concert that functioned as a rally for Hillary Clinton in Cleveland on Friday (Nov. 4). They were the
headliners, and there were other performances from Big Sean ,Chance The Rapper , and J. Cole .
After the music, Bey and Hov made speeches in favor of Secretary Clinton and welcomed the Democratic presidential candidate to the stage. Her opponent, Donald Trump, has already responded to Jay Z’s presence at the rally, telling his supporters that Clinton’s tolerance of Jay Z’s bad language is proof of her hypocrisy.
“I actually like Jay Z, but you know the language last night,” said Trump disapprovingly at a rally of his own in Tampa, FL earlier today (Nov. 5). “He used language last night that was so bad,” said Trump, before going on to imitate his rival, “and then Hillary said, ‘I did not like Donald Trump’s lewd language.'”
“I’ll tell you what, I’ve never said what he said in my life,” Trump continued. “But that shows you the phoniness of politicians and the phoniness of the whole system, folks.”
Trump’s vulgar language was widely condemned last month with the leak of an 11-year-old audio recording of him speaking lewdly about his treatment of women, including his entitlement to “grab them by the p*ssy.” Since the scandalous audio surfaced, at least 15 women have come forward with accusations of sexual misconduct against Trump.
According to CNN , Jay Z’s performance included curses such as
the N-word, F-word, and “motherf*cker,” and there were
apparently instances of self-censoring in some songs. Trump has reportedly been filmed at events saying both the F-word and “motherf*cker,” reports CNN, and he has also spoken on his desire to “bomb the sh*t” out of ISIS.

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