MUSIC: King Morada – Malwedhe Idibala

King Morada – Malwedhe Idibala Mp3 Download

King Morada - Malwedhe Idibala


Download and listen to King Morada – Malwedhe Idibala

Alot of Buzz on the internet the past few days over a new dance move from a song titled “Malwedhe Idibala” by South African indigenous pop act, King Monada with the new collapse dance that has accompanied its release.

The song actually has a deep meaning for anyone that could understand the language or get the translation. It actually comes with a health warning as King Monada expresses that if anyone tries to break his heart, they will only be bringing back a far away illness.

Lyrics Extract:
Makwela Makwela Monada!!!
Nna rena le malwedhe ( I have a sickness)
Geo okhe Jola lenna, ( if you are dating me)
Okhe raloke kago Nhlala ( Don’t play with breaking up with me)
Nna rena le malwedhe ( I have a sickness)
Wa nhlala odho tsosa Malwedhe ale khole ( if you break up with me, you will bring up hidden sickness from far)
Kena Le Bolwedhe bja go idibala ( I have a sickness of collapsing)
Wa nhlala kea idibala ( If you break up with me, i collapse)

Listen below

DOWNLOAD King Morada – Malwedhe Idibala


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